Pilot Training

SIMCOM Training Center



SimCom is the preferred training provider of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America, Inc. (MHIA). SimCom’s simulator training will provide an excellent method to accomplish a comprehensive training course that includes the conduct of emergency and abnormal procedures that cannot be accomplished safely in the aircraft. Training is most beneficial when the pilot can experience both normal and emergency operations while not compromising safety. This will provide a valuable learning experience for the pilot, while preparing him or her for real life emergencies.

SimCom in Orlando, Florida, operates two state-of-the-art Level 5 Flight Training Devices (FTD) that are capable of simulation for virtually all normal, abnormal and emergency flight and ground operations for the MU-2. These new technology FTDs have been outfitted to represent most MU-2 models from the K (-25 model) on up. SimCom’s newest and best Level E visual system provides 150 degree wrap around visuals and the selection of your home airport is even possible through new mapping and terrain software.

SimCom’s instructors now have over 12 years of experience with the aircraft and are seasoned instruction professionals. They will instruct you both in the flight-training device and in your aircraft and can make arrangements to provide your in-aircraft training at your home airport. SimCom’s instructors are also available for mentoring if required by your insurance company.

New Training - Part 91 Subpart N


Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recently published a new training requirement for MU-2 pilots in the United States. All pilots are now required to train under Part 91 Subpart N requirements.

Computer Training Systems

Computer Training Systems (CTS) – Icing Awareness Training Video


Computer Training Systems (CTS) is the preferred provider of MHIA’s Icing Awareness Training Course. CTS will provide an on-demand online viewing of Icing Awareness Training Video, YET 15704. The course meets the requirements of FAA’s Global Alternative Means of Compliance (AMOC) for FAA Airworthiness Directive 2003-22-07 R1. Upon successful completion of the training course, CTS generates a certificate of completion to be presented to MU-2 qualified flight instructors. Per FAA instructions, MU-2 pilots who operate U.S. registered airplanes and wish to use the online viewing method must: 1) notify their FAA Principal Inspector (PI) or the manager of the local FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) before using the AMOC, 2) after completing the on-demand online viewing, have a pilot logbook endorsement completed by any MU-2 qualified flight instructor, and 3) comply with all other conditions of the Global AMOC.